Sunday, November 22, 2009

scenes of thanksgivings past

Pa Loomis carves the turkey as Sara and Dorothy (and unknown woman) look on
Maryland, 1957

May need help on this one.
Uncle Gerome, Roosie, Pa Leonard, Aunt Al, ?, Aunt Ruthie, ?, Uncle Markie, Uncle Hal,
Wadah, Peter Leonard, Aunt Ann, ?, Aunt Tardy
Halcyon Farm, Lakeville, Massachusetts, 1958

Skipping a decade or three...
Grandma Susie, Matthew, Tom, Aunt Cyndie, Kyria, Lucy, and Jeffery
East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 1989

Aunt Junie, Tom, Arlene and Arnold Hall, Fransje
Halcyon Farm, Amsterdam, NY circa 1990

Frank, Fransje, Uncle John, Aunt Cyndie, Seth
Halcyon Farm, NY circa 1998

Susan and Biddy
Halcyon Farm, NY circa 1998

Hannah, Kyria, Nick, and Matthew -- the cousins
Halcyon Farm, NY circa 2000

Don't forget the preparations
The Loomis girls make the blue cheese dip -- Lucy, Dorothy, Sara
Halcyon Farm, MA circa 1971

The men mash the spuds -- Tom, Uncle John & John (and Brud looks on)
Halcyon Farm, NY circa 1991

Here is evidence of the effect of Thanksgiving dinner
Tom and Lucy, looking chipper, pre-dinner
Halcyon Farm, NY circa 2000

Seth and Tom, after the meal
Halcyon Farm, NY
Date unnecessary -- same scene every year

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We love you and miss you!


  1. Great collection of photos. I too have no idea who the woman with S, D and Grandpa Loo is. I certainly do recognize his whole body language of care with the carving. That's great.

  2. Love the pictures! I especially love the old one (1958)!! And who is Aunt Tardy? Very glam, don't you think?!! Luke might know the rest...His wife, Judy is now on FB. Or...send me a copy at and I'll ask him over Christmas...! Would LOVE to see more! Miss all the Christmas parties at Halcyon Farm! Take Care! Mary
